Living an Intentional Life Podcast

Life in this Moment : Honoring my Journey and Definition of Courage | Episode 39

Ashley Strong Smith Episode 39

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"I share this with an invitation for you to check-in. This is why I'm doing a workshop on June 21st. To check-in.

Yes, set those goals. 
Yes, set those intentions
Yes, put your manifestations into the world
Yes, create the vision board.
Yes, have the conversations.
Yes, do the weekly check-in's.

YES. YES. YES. To it all.

AND really ask yourself, "Is this what I still want? Is my WHY still aligned with why I set out to do this? Is this for my highest good, deepest truth - ultimately living a life that is dream-filled, courageous and intentional?"

If the answer is YES, keep doing it - don't you stop!
If the answer is NO (and it's okay if it's no), you need to reevaluate. If it's no longer in alignment with what you want, what do you need to be doing that is in alignment with what you want?"

Tune in here, Episode 39  👉🏼 Life in this Moment : Honoring my Journey and Definition of Courage.

This is a deep dive for all things present in life right now - how I am moving fear into a place of courage through action, celebrating my ONE year anniversary of Courage Coaching, why I stopped training for a half marathon and all the goodness of living a life that feels better than it looks!

Work with Ashley : 

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